Eligible Groom User Registration

Welcome and Shalom!

Thank you for wanting to create a profile on TorahBride.com! This form will create a profile for a man seeking a wife (aka you are an Eligible Groom). If that doesn't sound right, please go back and select the right form. Form data is automatically saved every time you hit "Next".

** Please watch our quick video to quickly set your birthdate in under 15 seconds.


Very important: For privacy reasons, please do not use a home address. Instead, use the nearest town or city. Form data is automatically saved every time you hit "Next".

Marital Status & Children

We understand some of these questions are sensitive. While answering these questions is required, we have provided a selection of "rather not answer". Form data is automatically saved every time you hit "Next".


Form data is automatically saved every time you hit "Next".

Views On Marriage

Form data is automatically saved every time you hit "Next".

Family & Culture

Form data is automatically saved every time you hit "Next".

Vocation & Educational Background

Form data is automatically saved every time you hit "Next".

Finishing Up

***Last page! Once you submit the form, it will be sent to the administration team and reviewed within 24 hours (excluding Sabbaths). Once approved you will be able to create a new password, login to your new account, upload a profile photo(s) and search for a spouse.